8:45 AM-9:45AM

September to May

Sunday School, 3 yr olds -5th Grade:  “Spark: Activate Faith” Sunday school is for all kids grades kindergarten to fifth grade. Each week a storyteller leads us in exploring a new Bible story using the Spark Bibles. Kids play games and do activities with their leaders to further understand the story of the day. Parents receive a Family Page each week to help them continue to reinforce the story together as a family.

6th – 8th Grades:  These are our Confirmation age youth. We are using the Sparkhouse “CoLaborate curriculum.  

This material focuses on the Old and New Testaments, Lutheran History & Catechism and Lutheran Living.  Classes meet in Holmer Hall.  Youth do not need to be enrolled in the Confirmation program to attend Sunday morning classes.

High School Youth Ministry: Our High School students meet in “The Shack” on Sunday mornings.  They have been using Faith Lens, a publication of the ELCA Youth Ministry Network that provides weekly Bible studies to engage youth in connecting world events with the Bible, faith, and everyday life.



Nursery is available for children through age 4 during the worship services and the Sunday school hour.   Children older than 4 years are encouraged to attend their Sunday school classes.