Lay Leadership

Susan AndreeInterim President
Bob EricksonVice President
Lisa HamiltonSecretary
Bill BulandTreasurer
Rob BarryInterim Outreach
Cindy GemmillMember Care
Mike MiloStewardship
Charlotte HunterFellowship
Youth & Family
Marjorie CrosbieChristian Education
Brad SchmuckerWorship & Music
Fred SchultzProperty
Jennifer MichaelPastor
Nadine AndersonSynod Parish Deacon
Shiree Beckwith-Funk Copyright

Congregational Council

The Congregational Council (Council) is comprised of members who desire to donate their time and talents to do the work of the church to the glory of God.   Each member brings special gifts to their position and each is encouraged to work hand-in-hand with other members for the good of the church. Following are brief descriptions of each Council position.


President – chief executive officer of the congregation, prepares agendas; monitors committee activities; presides over all Council and congregational meetings; ad hoc member of all committees

Vice President – assists the President; liaison to several committees; directs ministry planning; chairs Council and congregational meetings in the absence of the President; serves on the Executive Committee

Treasurer – responsible for accounting for the revenue and expenses of the congregation; provides financial updates to the Council and to the congregation; coordinates the annual budget with input from staff, the finance committee and council members; serves on the Executive Committee

Secretary – keeps minutes of all Council, congregational and Executive Committee meetings; drafts correspondence; serves on the Executive Committee

Pastor – ad hoc member of all committees and serves on the Executive Committee

Executive Council officers are elected by the congregation to two-year terms. The executive committee is responsible for carrying out the business of the church as directed by Church Council. The executive committee is the decision making body of the church for issues that arise between Council meetings and for issues delegated to it by the Church Council.


Christian Education – oversees all aspects of education for youth and adults working closely with Pastor and Director of Christian Education

Outreach – leads a congregational effort to reach out to the community; interacts with Council members and small groups using a variety of media to share information about the church and its programs, activities and missions

Fellowship – plans events and activities throughout the year designed to bring people together for fun and celebrations of faith; coordinates with other committees to attract guests to Grace

Member Care – strives to provide a loving and nurturing atmosphere for each and every member of Grace; responds to the needs of members

Property – responsible for maintaining the property of the church

Stewardship – leads the congregation in its giving of time, talent and treasures; leads an annual stewardship campaign

Worship & Music – oversees the many aspects of congregational worship including but not limited to ushers, greeters, altar guild, music supplies and instruments appropriate for use in worship

Youth & Family – plans and provides opportunities for fellowship, service and study for the youth of the church and all family members

Committee Chairs are elected by the congregation to two-year terms. To maintain continuity, one-half of the chairs are elected each year.