Meals for Those in Need

Our member care team provides meals for people who are unable to cook for themselves due to illness, a death in the family, or just coming home from the hospital.  The team member contacts the person and/ or family in need to discuss likes, dislikes, food allergies and to establish a schedule for meal deliveries. This act of love provides joy for the giver and the receiver.

Fellowship Committee

The Fellowship Committee oversees the Sunday refreshments, which includes coffee and snacks after each service.  During this time, members and guests are able to socialize and get to know one another better. 

The committee also coordinates special events throughout the year including Thanksgiving Dinner, Lenten Dinners, Easter Sunday breakfast, Hot Dog Social, Reformation Celebration Potluck and Oktoberfest.

Members of the committee help guests feel welcome to Grace.

Contact Tony Perrone or the Church Office if you are interested in joining the Fellowship Committee or would like to host Sunday refreshments. 

Prayer Chain

The Prayer Chain is a way to support those having concerns about health and/or general life issues.  Prayers are received from present and former members of Grace, as well as people around the country.   Participants receive those prayers via email, on a regular basis and add them to their own personal daily prayer list. 

The chains have been operating since 1981 without interruption and have evolved from person to person phone calls to computers.  There have been literally thousands of prayers prayed during those years and often a person who was the recipient will put a prayer of thanks that God had answered his or her prayers.  Some of the members have been participants since 1981 – even though they have moved or are no longer members of Grace.

Stephen Ministry

STEPHEN MINISTRY is a national non-denominational Christian care-giving organization. A Stephen Minister completes an extensive number of training modules and is equipped to provide one-on-one Christian care to those who are going through life’s difficult times. The care is given in a confidential and accepting environment. The group meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month at, 7:00 p.m. If you are in need of talking with or want to become a Stephen Ministry, please contact Ruth, or Mickey,