Grace Quilters

Our Grace Quilters make quilts for St. Joseph Hospital’s littlest babies. No experience necessary. You will learn to cut, pin, tie and talk at the same time. Grace Quilters meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month in Holmer Hall, 9:30AM – 1:00PM  Contact the Church Office for more information.

Grace Girlfriends

This groups meets for a time of caring and sharing around a seasonal topic.  Meetings are held monthly in Holmer Hall on the 2nd Sunday, 12PM – 2PM. The hostess provides a light meal with participants contributing an appetizer or dessert. Contact Marcia Pihl or the Church Office for more information.

Hand N’ Foot

Are you looking for fellowship? Do you like to play cards for fun?

This is a lively group of ladies that play Hand N’ Foot, which is similar to Canasta, the 1st, 2nd, and 4th Tuesday (and if there is a 5th Tuesday) of each month at 9:15AM in Holmer Hall. Cards are provided and instruction given. Contact the Church Office for more information.

History In the Making

This committee was formed to research, review and archive the history of Grace.  They meet as needed.  For more information contact Linda Gravatt,

Homeless in the Community

The Homeless in Our Community Committee sponsors “teal bag” Sundays.  Our “teal bags” are typically handed out on the first Sunday of the month with a request that they be returned on the third Sunday filled with the monthly donation items.  Members of our congregation that choose to participate purchase items such as non-perishable food, school supplies, socks, children’s underwear, gently used t-shirts, tennis shoes, travel lotions and shampoos, baby items to name a few.  These donations are sorted and distributed to the homeless veterans (male & female) at New Beginnings, Miles and Alexander Elementary Schools, Oasis Opportunities which supplies clothing and toiletries to extremely needed children in Hillsborough County, Oasis Pregnancy Care Center, Kaye Prox Food Pantry at Lutheran Church of Our Savior and McCulloch Group Home

The Homeless in Our Community Committee also holds food drives at our local Publix and donates those contributions from members of the community to the above-mentioned organizations and Feeding Tampa Bay, supplying over 6,000 meals to hurting families in Hillsborough County. 

In November we conduct a Pecan Sale offering flavored nuts from our source in Vienna Georgia.  This event has become very popular throughout our community and our congregation! Each year a non-profit that helps the homeless in Hillsborough County is chosen to receive proceeds from this sale to help them with their mission.

At Christmas time the committee adopts children from Miles Elementary School that have been identified by the social workers of the school.  Gifts of clothes, personal items and toys are purchased and distributed to ensure the children have Christmas.

Manna Bags containing snacks, water and toiletries are also sponsored by The Homeless in Our Community Committee.  These bags are offered to those in need who visit the church.

Contact the church office if you would like more information or would like to volunteer as a member of this amazing outreach committee.

Prayer Shawl

(KNIT/CROCHET) Do you work with your hands? Do you pray with your hands? Why not put the two together to knit or crochet prayer shawls to give to our ill or hurting members? We also knit and crochet hats and scarves to be donated to various groups. All knitting/crocheting skill levels are welcome. Yarn and patterns can be provided. The Prayer Shawl Ministry meets quarterly during the Sunday school hour.  If you would like more information, please contact Dottie Pihl.

Stephen Ministry

STEPHEN MINISTRY is a national non-denominational Christian care-giving organization. A Stephen Minister completes an extensive number of training modules and is equipped to provide one-on-one Christian care …Read More