Here at Grace Lutheran Church we love music! With music comes the ability to worship through song, instrument, voice, and praise. No matter if music is one of your God-given talents or you just love it, you can find a home in one of our many opportunities regardless of your age.
In the 100th Chapter of the Book of Psalms, the bible instructs us:
Our Music Ministry
Chancel Choir
Our group (middle school and high school through adult) meets each Thursday from 6:00 to 7:30 PM and sings at the 10:00 AM service every other Sunday. These dedicated singers present traditional hymns and classical choral music from the 15th-21st centuries. In addition, a number of spirituals and multicultural music are included in the repertoire. During Christmas and Lent, the group presents special services of extended choral works including; The Messiah, Faure and Rutter Requiems, Vivaldi’s Gloria, Schubert’s Mass in G and a traditional Lessons and Carols service with chamber orchestra.
Childrens’ Music Ministry

Music is an essential part of worship for ALL ages at Grace! Young children are encouraged to participate in singing hymns and liturgy with the congregation, and are often invited to play instruments with the worship band on the Sending Hymn. There are also opportunities to play and sing music within our Faith Formation classes and activities. And when students are middle school age and older, they are welcome to join the choir, band or handbell group. Our directors are trained educators who know how to engage youth and to fully include them in making music with the adults to the glory of God!
Hand Bell
Handbell and Choir Chime ringers play a variety of music styles from Classical to Contemporary to the Glory of God! With every note we play we pray that it will touch the hearts of all those who worship with us.
The group rehearses Wednesday evenings from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. and plays during our 10 AM Sunday worship service, as well as Festival Services such as Christmas Eve and Easter. They also join forces with other groups for special concerts.
All are welcome to come and explore the ringing of these shiny brass bells. Kathryn Hinton, our director is more than willing to teach you how to ring. If you don’t read music, the scores are marked – you just need to know your left hand from your right and have “patient persistence” to learn to play. There’s always lots of support from the group to help you along the way.
If you can read music and don’t want to make a weekly commitment, substitute are occasionally needed when the “regulars” are sick or on vacation. Please contact Kathryn Hinton to learn more.

United Adoration
Our praise band, (middle school and high school through adult) United Adoration rehearses Thursday 7:30 to 9:00PM and shares their talents twice a month during our 10 AM Sunday worship service.
We welcome newcomers who would like to share their talent in ministry at Grace.
Special Thanks
Grace is greatly indebted to Betty Burton for her contributions towards the musical instruments. In addition to the harpsichord, Betty’s generosity allowed us to purchase a Zimmer pipe organ. This magnificent instrument and the sanctuary were designed together in order to achieve an optimal blend of acoustical, visual and musical beauty. A brochure detailing each of these instruments is available on the Welcome Cart.